Trained and Certified Diabetic Alert Service Dogs
What is a Trained Diabetic Alert Service Dog?
Trained Diabetic Alert Dogs are certified service dogs for Diabetics. These amazing dogs alert their owners in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar events before they become dangerous, so that their owners may take steps to return their blood sugar levels to normal, such as using glucose sweets or taking insulin. These dogs are specifically trained to react to the chemical change produced by blood sugar highs and lows. Diabetic Alert Dogs can provide emotional security and a sense of balance for individuals and their families. Diabetic Alert Dogs can help their handlers lead a more confident and independent lifestyle.
Complete All-Inclusive Training
At Diabetic Alert Dogs of America, our dogs are a big part of our family. We use positive reinforcement training methods. We focus on rewarding good behavior and correcting unwanted behavior. Our trained service dogs go through a vigorous training schedule that consists of obedience/socialization, public access, and scent training. We use the same methods that the FBI and ATF use to train their scent detection working dogs. Our dogs train at various times throughout the day, including nighttime alerts. Night training is the most important step. We will teach your dog to remain alert for your blood sugar levels while you are asleep. They will be taught an additional step in order to wake you up in the event of an out-of-range BG level.
Our Trained and Certified Dogs
This is a board and train style course for either a company or client-provided dog.
Our trained and certified Diabetic Alert Service Dogs, come from licensed high-quality breeders across the United States. We put in a lot of time and energy finding the perfect match for your personality, needs, and lifestyle based on your application.
The health of our dogs is a top priority. All vaccinations and records will be provided for you upon delivery. All our dogs come with a health guarantee and are given a clean bill of health from a licensed veterinarian prior to delivery. They come to you spayed/neutered and microchipped.
Our fully trained and certified Diabetic Alert Service Dogs come with a lifetime training guarantee. They have graduated from a vigorous training program, and are ready to work for you immediately upon their delivery.
You are provided all the necessary equipment to begin your new relationship.
Included with the Trained Diabetic Alert Service Dog Program
A Provided dog using clients specific requests
All medical care for the dog including vaccines, spay/neuter, and microchip
Overall health and wellness checks including hips and elbows
Health Guarantee
Over 1,500 hours of intense Service Dog Training
Obedience Training Certification including the use of 20 voice and hand commands
Public Service Certification which allows you to use your Service Dog everywhere
Scent Recognition and Active Alert Certification
A Diabetic Alert Service Dog manual
A Service Dog vest
Two Service Dog identification cards (one for the human and one for the dog)
Service Dog collar identification
Certification with US Service Dog Registry
A Diabetic Alert Dogs of America Training Certificate
A training dog collar
A 6ft long adjustable lead
A bag of dog treats
A sample of premium dog food
A tote bag
All Veterinarian and registration paperwork for your dog
Two days of private in-home lessons and training demonstrations at your location
A lifetime of support and training assistance from our amazing trainers
A lifetime training guarantee including unlimited lifetime free training